❤️ Dedicated to Diane L. Gray (née Platt) ❤️🎶

Diane was born in Tunbridge Wells in 1934. She moved with her sister Frances to Wolverhampton where she lived with her paternal grandparents and family until the return of her father (William Thomas Platt) from active duty at the end of WWII. She met Paul through her singing teacher and they were married in 1958. The couple moved in 1959 to Radipole nr Weymouth, Dorset where they had three children Adrian (d.1961), Oliver and Charlotte. In 1973 the family moved to Brussels Belgium.

From a very early age Diane showed a great passion and talent for singing.  She studied singing with Kenneth Ellis in England and also at the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles with Jean Lescanne and Jules Bastin.  She graduated in 1980 with two Première Prix from the Conservatoire Royal in Opéra and in Chant Concert and in 1981 obtained the much coveted Diplôme Supérieur with Distinction in Opéra

During her music career she sang a number of operatic roles amongst them "Barbarina" in The Marriage of Figaro, "Michaela" in Carmen and "Siebel" and "Marguerite" in Faust.  She also performed in The Elijah, The Creation, Solomon, The Messiah and in many other oratorios as well as much loved comic operas both in England and in Belgium.  She was well known and in demand as a recital singer and performed live with the VRT Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroeporganisatie (formerly BRT) Flemish Belgian radio and television. In 1994 she was invited to sing and in particular in Welsh at a special Concert celebrating the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Brussels by the Welsh Guards. She also conducted and ran several Ladies choirs as well as giving private singing tuition.

In addition to her career in Belgium Diane won a number of first prizes in Opera and Oratorio in competitive music festivals in England.

She was much appreciated as a character actress and Director of a variety of plays within the English speaking theatre groups in Brussels and was extremely active in the organisation of theatre and musical events.  She was also Chairman of the Belgian branch of the English Speaking Union and of the English Comedy Club. As Chairman she oversaw the purchase with two other English Speaking Societies of an old brewery which was converted into a Studio Theatre, Workshop and Rehearsal room complex. She also became a music reporter for "Radio de Vie" as well as hosting some shows herself.

In 2011 after almost 40 years in Belgium Diane and Paul made the decision to return to the UK, regretfully leaving behind many dear friends as well as their son Oliver and grandchildren Owen, Liam and Anna. Their move to Alcester, where their daughter Charlotte and son-in-law Darren Gough lived, was partly prompted by an indomitable sense of adventure and the lure of becoming guardians of one of Alcester's prominent and ancient former Coaching Inns. In their new home, supported by a close knit community they continued a very active social and musical life which included joining the Alcester Singers as well as holding concerts of their own to help raise funds for much needed conservation work to St Nicholas Church. Diane felt very much at home in Alcester and became a popular and well loved figure. 

Diane was a vivacious, loving, outgoing, positive and funny person who left a lasting impression on everyone she met, such was her warmth and endearing smile.

On the 5th August 2022, Paul her beloved husband was laid to rest beside her at Great Alne Woodland Park (https://paulgray.muchloved.com/)

They leave behind a family who will always keep them forever close in heart and mind and through whom their precious legacy of love and passion for music, the arts and theatre will always live on.❤️

"We are such stuff as dreams are made on; And our little life is rounded with a sleep."

William Shakespeare 1564 - 1616 (Tempest Act IV Scene 1)


Please feel free to upload and share your stories, pictures and memories of Diane!

🌸 The Service Celebrating the Life of Diane 🎶

The Service was held at St. Nicholas Church, Saturday 30th September 2017 at 1:30 pm followed by The Committal at Alne Wood Park, Spernal Lane, Great Alne, Alcester, B49 6JG.

If you were unable to attend the Service but might be planning a trip that brings you close to this area, please take the time to come and visit Diane's town and resting place to appreciate the beautiful and peaceful countryside. 

Alne Wood Park is a hill top natural meadow burial site surrounded by ancient oak woodland. With the planting of new trees dedicated to each loved one, this area will in years to come join and form part of the ancient Alne Wood. Carpeted in wild flowers and grasses in the summer this magical place plays host to all manner of wildlife, from bees and butterflies to dancing Swifts. Come the autumn and winter with its hoary frost and hedgerow burdened with wild rose hips and sloes, majestic deer venture out of the shadows of the wood to graze while Kites and Buzzards spiral upwards on thermals. From the top of the hill where Diane is laid to rest there is the most magnificent views across the Warwickshire countryside. This is unsurprisingly the gentle Shire which inspired Tolkiens' Hobbits and the setting for many a Shakespearean play.

If you would like to visit where Diane is laid to rest please contact us for directions and the code for the gate.

🌼 A Little Bit About Diane's Town Alcester... Alcester is just 7 miles south-west of Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of Shakespeare and lies between the popular family estates of Ragley Hall and Coughton Court (Guy Fawkes), the latter a favourite of Diane's with its walled Rose Garden and plant shop selling Diane's much beloved David Austen roses. There are many archaeological sites to visit in and around Alcester including a Roman museum as well as many pleasant nature trails and walks.

The centre of the Town is dominated by a vibrant High Street with a number of Diane's favourite curio, charity and artisan shops still trading from a glorious array of historical buildings dating back to Tudor times. Formerly a rest stop for travellers by Coach & Horse, the town still retains a healthy population of Free Public Houses and Eateries offering a wide range of cuisine and beverages including a number of artisan Café's with pretty gardens within walking distance in the Town. Take a stroll down Malt Mill Lane to the river, or explore the variety of quaint Tuéries (passageways) that run between some houses. For a quiet time of contemplation there is a peace garden at the back of St Nicholas.

Alcester is easily accessible from the M40, M5 and only 3/4hr from Birmingham, 1.25hr from Oxford, 1.25hr from Bristol and 2.5hrs from London.


🌹With Heart Felt Thanks to Everybody Who Has Helped Us Raise Money for the Warwick MYTON HOSPICE who were extraordinary in their care for Diane! Please Continue to Support This Charity to Help us Share her Inspiration, Love & Happiness with Others🌹


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Help grow Diane's Tribute by adding messages or memories you'd like to share.


Thought about you all day yesterday on your birthday! It would have been a milestone birthday but I bet you would still be singing and just as beautifully as you did the year you left us. I imagine you are somewhere in a parallel reality, in another Dorset with Dad, Tess and Adrian. I hope it's all you ever believed and dreamed of because there is no more a person deserving than you. Love you forever and more. Cx
Lit on 3rd September 2024
Mum, the view must be spectacular from here you are, both of you. Smile down on us and inspire us always. Remembering your light that shines on.
Lit on 22nd August 2023
Hi Mum, Took me a heartbeat to choose the background colour for your candle! It had to be blue and just the right colour to match your eyes. I was sat in my garden office concentrating on creating our new website when I realised that the birdsong outside had changed from the mundane winter trill to a celebration of the coming of spring. With everything that is going on in the world, from the fallout of the Pandemic to teetering on the brink of a new world order, what joy and calm the sound of nature brings us. Then after joy, comes sadness and a deep longing for a time that now exists only in our memories and dreams. Of you, Dad, Tessy and us two children. Toes, fingers, noses and knees cold and wet as we waded through fields of winter grass and hidden briers. Hands covered in pollen as we reached up to grasp branches of fluffy pussy willow and catkins to take home for Granny. Tessy startling ducks, moorhens and scurrying water voles as she launched herself off the riverbank into the water in pursuit of a trail of bubbles. Nose down snuffling the pebbly depths, the bubbles one moment in front of her and then the next floating swiftly away. Out she would clamber, her heavy coat of yellow fur weighed down with water and pond weed and we would all run for cover! Quick, quick! Alas our legs were far to short to run the distance needed before she shook herself with such vigour that we became as wet as her. Now it was time to retrace our steps, head for home, for warmth and toasting toes on radiators. The itchiness of thawing hands and feet, made better by hot milk and sugar and a special chocolate biscuit from the out of reach tin on the top shelf in the pantry. This precious heirloom, this slightly rusty tin, passed down through the family forever tainted its contents with the taste of christmas. Generations had used it to store and mature the annual christmas cake. There it would slumber for three months in the darkness of the pantry, safe in it's tin shelter. Slowly soaking up a weekly tipple of spirits, quitely waiting for its all too brief but triumphant release in to the kitchen to be decorated and then set aside on the sideboard waiting for the big day. Outside of the seasonal offering, the tin held special biscuits, for adults only. These were covered in thick, almost impenetrable chocolate and some were wrapped in pretty coloured foil, the colours denoting their taste. Green for mint, orange for orange, red for strawberry and so on. To be given one of these was a perfect treat, a distraction from the itchy irritation of warming extremities. Such happy memories that at the time seemed so inconsequential. Perhaps when we feel at our happiest we imprint the moment in our memories without realising. There are so many random triggers to my happy memories with you. A smell, a sound, a touch, something I see. There are so many that they have filled the expanse of time since you left us and I find myself startled and shocked at how many years have slipped by. Surely it was only yesterday. I can still hear you and feel the softness of your cheek on mine. I can hear your voice in my head calling me to dinner. So today another trigger, the sound of spring bird song, hastened me to your site to tell you how much I love you Mum. Of course I miss you, but you gave us children so many memory triggers throughout our lives and you never stopped telling us how deeply and desperately you loved us, that we feel you have never left. I love you Mum and here is your candle for today!
Lit by Charlie xxx on 3rd March 2022
🌹With Heart Felt Thanks to Everybody Who Has Helped Us Raise Money for the Warwick MYTON HOSPICE who were extraordinary in their care for Diane! Please Continue to Support This Charity to Help us Share her Inspiration, Love & Happiness with Others🌹
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