Dreaming on Great Alne by Oliver Gray Oct 1 2017

2017 October 01

Created by olibxlgray 7 years ago
Dreaming on Great Alne ...

There you lie below mighty oak
Gazing o'er English pastures green
By Great Alne, resting high above
In kite and pheasant’s company.
Wrapped in music, smiles and love
Sleep, dreaming under Linden Lea.

Hush, listen as the lilting breeze
Gently sways the daisies yellow
Ripples soft sweet meadow grass
Giggling leaps hedge and stile
To find the ancient huntress path
And bring us back, all in smiles

Tranquillity smooths out our memories
The world with you takes a deep breath
And glorious now your voice in song
Reaches the corners of our world
Carried from the four winds strong
To leave your bright trail of gold.

Dream on Mum….
