Mothers Day 11th March 2018

Created by Charlotte 6 years ago

Catkins, Tête-à-Tête & You!

It was very strange yesterday not being part of the bustling Mothers Day brigade of last minute shoppers, well wishers and Sunday lunchers.

This was the first time I realised that the years of daubed, crayoned, painted, inked and scribbled cards that were always, without fail accepted with joy, mirth, curiosity and love would never come again. I've since discovered that you kept the most prized ones from Olly and me. Such was the importance and joy of being a Mum, even to the detriment of pursuing a full time professional singing career. We were your ultimate world, your reason for being, your joy and sometimes your sorrow.

You were and still are our strong foundation, our stage, our protective cocoon and we will always feel the love you so tightly wound around us.

I also realised that even though you were not there to physically show your love at mine, Olivers & your son-in-law Darrens sometimes strange, sometimes hurried Mothers Day gifts it didn't mean that you would not appreciate our expression of thanks and acknowledgement of a truly fantastic and beautiful Mum. So Darren & I joined the bustling throng and bought our Mothers Day presents, tiny potted "Tête-à-Tête" daffodils and a cowslip and visited your hilltop stage overlooking the stunning Warwickshire countryside. There we spent some time with you and planted our little gifts. A splash of colour daubed on a dormant landscape waiting to exhale for spring.

As we walked down the hill, a Wood Pecker in a large ancient oak to the side of the hill, beat out the rhythm of our descending footsteps. As we readied to leave I noticed to the side of the path a cluster of coppiced hazel that had exploded like a firework into delicate yellow catkins. It drew me back to a time when we as children, our hands in yours would wander out at the first sign of spring to bring back sprays of Pussy Willow and Catkins. I like to think that you had a hand in making me notice it yesterday, that this was your way of showing you too appreciated our love. Of course, all things considered it is certain that your hand was guiding me, because you were the one who made us look with your eyes and love with your heart!

I love you Mum and always will! You will always be mine and Olivers very precious Mum and we will always celebrate your day, come what may!

Charlie xxx 
