Hi Mum! Thinking of you, which I do every single day! Just been looking at photographs of our holiday in Greece in 1984! I look like a miserable teenager - as ever, but you look like a sun burnished godess! If only we had known then what we know now we would never have let you soak up the sun. Such a seemingly harmless and still acceptable pastime took you from us in a brutal and desperately sad way. Hey, you remember when I said "hello beautiful" to you, you told me that you have never been considered beautiful or attractive. I remember saying at the time that that was rubbish. Well tonight looking through the photographs again and seeing your beautiful endearing smile, bright blue twinkling eyes and lovely face framed with a halo of soft blonde hair. Knowing that you brought such joy, comfort, laughter and hope to everyone you encountered on your path through life, I can with hand on heart say that you are indeed Beautiful. You are everything I aspire to be. I love you my sweet darling Mum and thank you for being a part of me. Charlie x